Sunday, September 20, 2009

MYP 3: Measuring our Carbon Footprint

How does technology impact the environment?
More specifically, how does our daily routine, and use of technology, impact our environment?

That is the question we are using to guide our research this term. MYP 3 students have already researched what a Carbon Footprint is. Now we are going to calculate our own footprint and use parameters and measurements we come up with together in class.

We will be working with Microsoft Excel, create a website to share our research and use other Web 2.0 gadgets to interact with eachother and the public.

Some of the skills learned this term will include:
  • How to collect, categorize, organize and measure information.  
  • How to create a poll and various ways and methods for collecting data online.
  • How to communicate what the data tells us in the most efficient way. (i.e. charts & graphs)
  • How to choose the right medium or tool for the purpose.
  • How to create systems to measure and eventually lessen our impact on the environment.
So far, we've already,
2. Listed our daily routine and what technology we need or use for each daily task can we calculate our own Carbon Footprint? Before we devise our own system and calculator, let's look at some of the online calculators that exist already.

Your assignment- (Due Wednesday, September 23)
1. Please visit each website below and use their calculator. You will have to "guestimate" on some of the answers. (We will recalculate after we collect exact data later). **For certain calculators, if Barbados is not available, then pick the USA and a state like Florida (FL) which is closest to our climate here.
2. In you process journals, write down what categories and questions each calculator used to calculate your carbon footprint.
3. When you are finished, record your score (and what the number measures) in your journal.

(Image Source: Earth Lab)

On Wednesday...
Questions we will ask when you are finished are:

  • What categories do the calculators have in common? What do they measure?
  • Were all your scores the same? Were any of your scores incredibly different?
  • How did each calculator measure your carbon footprint? What unit of measurement did each use?
  • Which in your opinion, seemed to be the most comprehensive and accurate? Why?

    Remember too to start recording your home's electric meter daily. Try to do it around the same time! You will do this for 7 days, from today (Monday, Sept 21) to next Monday (Sept 28). Write this down in your process journals. Ask your parents where the meter is if you are not sure. Reading the meter is as easy as just looking at the number and writing it down! A week from now we'll see how much electricity your home uses.

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